Thief of Glory by Sigmund Brouwer

Does the concept of popular literature seem like an oxymoron? Can a book sell well in today's pop culture, while still displaying a high degree of literary quality? The answer is a resounding: Yes! This week I read a newly released book by prolific author Sigmund Brouwer that evidences excellent literary quality and is sure to skyrocket … Continue reading Thief of Glory by Sigmund Brouwer

Beginning, middle or end?

How do you start a novel? Every writer knows that each novel should include a definite beginning, middle, and end. But did you know those are also your starting options? Usually I think of a sentence that seems like the beginning of a novel and it grows from there. This sunrise method works well for exploratory … Continue reading Beginning, middle or end?

Where can we find atonement?

Storyteller Susan R. Lawrence portrays biblical and historical characters in engrossing presentations; she also writes engaging novels. She's a retired special education teacher who has published two family devotionals, contributed to three anthologies, and written many articles for various Christian publications. Today Glenda Mathes interviews her in connection with the current launch of her new novel … Continue reading Where can we find atonement?

NaNo end nears

For thousands of writers around the world, National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is winding down. Or perhaps, speeding up. In these last days of November, NaNoWriMo participants have less than 48 hours to hit the 50,000 word count goal. Those writers in the winner's circle are resting on their laurels, while those who can see the … Continue reading NaNo end nears

No NaNo

For the last seven Novembers, I've participated in NaNoWriMo. National Novel Writing Month is a frenetic November of trying to write at least 50,000 words in a novel--from scratch. On every November 1 during the previous seven years, I sat down at my computer, placed my fingers on the keyboard, and began a new novel. For … Continue reading No NaNo

Living Echoes lives

Living Echoes, one of my current fiction WIP (Works in Progress) lives! It's been over a year since I reported on this novel's progress. The construction of alternating short "now" scenes and longer "then" scenes has made it difficult to write. But this summer I've felt compelled to finish it. Writers often talk about reaching "The … Continue reading Living Echoes lives

Simmering fiction WIP

Writers often refer to their current WIP (Work In Progress). Since I am always working on several projects, I'm thinking of adopting the acronym MWIVGIP (Multiple Works In Various Genres In Progress). But it seems a tad awkward and I'm not sure how I'd pronounce it. One of my two current novels has a complicated … Continue reading Simmering fiction WIP

NaNoWriMo or No?

Do you hear that hum? It's the sound generated by fiction writers all over the globe gearing up for the annual madness of NaNoWriMo. You may well ask, "What in the  world is NaNoWriMo?" NaNoWriMo is code for National Novel Writing Month, an online extravaganza in which participants attempt to write a novel of at … Continue reading NaNoWriMo or No?

Still Echoing

Does it ever happen that you've been giving someone good advice and you suddenly realize you need to take it yourself? That happened to me this week. Having been cracking a whip over the head of a writing friend and encouraging her to take time daily for fiction writing, I realized I was far more … Continue reading Still Echoing