Still Echoing

Does it ever happen that you’ve been giving someone good advice and you suddenly realize you need to take it yourself?

That happened to me this week. Having been cracking a whip over the head of a writing friend and encouraging her to take time daily for fiction writing, I realized I was far more guilty than she of letting my fiction projects congeal on a cold burner.

So I turned on the heat under my current adult novel, Living Echoes, and incorporated a scene that had come to me during my recent travels to Synod.

This is an excellent example of why writers should always carry a notebook with them. There’s something particularly productive about long trips, when one’s mind has the opportunity to explore back-brain thoughts.

If I hadn’t jotted down that thought when it came to me, somewhere along the interstate in Pennsylvania, it would have been eclipsed by subsequent events and long lost.

But I found it in my notebook and wrote it into my manuscript, where it seems like the perfect solution to a plot problem that had been plaguing my subconscious.

And that means I’m still echoing along on Living Echoes.

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